• DVD Reviews

    One thing I hear a lot of questions about are the various DVD sets about the Dribble Drive Motion. Are they any good? Are they good enough? Who are they for? Below I’m reviewing some of the best known Dribble Drive DVD’s on the market.

    Just press the cover picture for the review.

    Vance Walberg DVD Reviews

    John Calipari DVD Reviews

    Fundamentals: Dave Smart 2-Set Review

    Zone: Jerry Petitgoue’s Open Post Motion Offense

  • LINsanity… 19 months later…

    Just catching up on the LINsanity? This site had him featured 19 months ago.


  • Inspiration

    It’s January, it’s cold (at least in many places), we’re right between the start of the season and the playoffs. In short it’s probably the toughest time of the year for us coaches. I know it’s tough for me, at least.

    I took over a 1-6 team a third into the season, and now we’ve won six of the last eight, are in fourth place of a very competitive 10 team top flight league in Northern Europe – and we could easily miss the eight team playoffs. We win by playing defence, but out of the remaining 11 games five are against the top three, who are all great offensive teams, and most of the rest are away games. In other words I worry a lot right now. Worry about being relegated to the league below. Worry about injuries. Worry about every game, every practice.

    Then someone sent me a quote. Someone who knows me really well, who knows this time of year for a basketball coach. It reminded me that just going out there on the court – fighting for every little thing – is more than worth it. I hope it will get you some energy to get you through January too:

    “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
    The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes up short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly.
    So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

    Theodore Roosevelt, “Man in the Arena” Speech given April 23, 1910 26th president of US (1858 – 1919)

  • A National Championship Coach Shares His Experiences

    Coach Bart Sengers of the Netherlands is a coach at Eurosped Twente in Tubbergen and is also involved with the Team Holland Under 18 womens team as an assistant coach. With his club coach Sengers coaches the women and the Under 16 ladies.

    With a very young womens team coach Sengers got some upsets playing quick basketball which helped Sengers get elected as an all star coach and runner up for coach of the year. The Under-16 girls did even better as they won the national title.

    Here’s coach Sengers account of the 2010-11 season.


  • The Dribble Drive Warmup Reads Drill

    The two lines Dribble Drive Warmup Reads Drill combines dynamic stretching drills, ball handling and Break Down Zone moves from the Dribble Drive Offense.

    I use the drill all the time with my 16’s and under boys team. In fact, this is the only drill we’ve used to practice the moves and reads of theBreak Down Zone.

    The line on the right performs ball handling moves in a zig zag line to half court. Any ball handling and/or dribbling moves can be used. We currently use basic moves like the cross-over, behind the back and so on.


  • Dribble Drive Game Film Sharing

    I’ve had a request from a coach – and I think it’s a fantastic idea. This coach wants to make game film exchange for dribble drive coaches. Would anyone be interested in doing a Dropbox file exchange where we put out game film for others to watch?

    I’ll be happy to share game film of my Under 16’s team from Northern Europe.I’ve only coached them for a couple of months but they’ve already made great strides with the Dribble Drive. An article will be up soonish – I currently coach 4-6 games a week between the pro mens team and the Under16 varsity and junior varsity, so time is super limited.

  • Paperback Dribble Drive Book Offer

    As most European leagues are now in pre-season, and our friends in the US are gearing up for it, we’ve also put the price of the Dribble Drive paperback down from $21.99 to $19.99.

    Find the offer on the right.

  • Walberg Advanced Dribble Drive Review

    Last spring Coach Walberg released three new Dribble Drive DVD ses through Championship Productions, and after having used them (and a lot of other sources) to write my last book, it’s time for a review. The DVD’s released were:

    Advanced Dribble-Drive Offense: Zone & Transition Game, $119.99

    100 Drills and Sets for Implementing the Dribble Drive Offense, $79.99

    Walberg also released a defensive DVD set at the same time:

    Vance Walberg: Half-Court Pressure Defensive System, 79.99

    I don’t personally use Walberg’s defensive sets, so I’ll leave the defensive DVD out of the review.

    See the reviews below. (more…)

  • New book out now! 200 pages on the Dribble Drive

    The brand new and greatly expanded version of my book is now available to buy on Lulu.com and as an eBook.

    The book now has 200 pages and has been completely rewritten. I’ve taken out chapters on the Dribble Drive Zone Offense and the Complimentary High Post offense, and instead I’ve gotten to the bottom of the Dribble Drive, and all the little details of the offense.

    I talked to Vance Walberg this week and that finally settled the last few issues of X’s and O’s, and now I’m ready to publish. I really think this book covers everything there is to know about the Dribble Drive.

    There really is no comparison to the first book. This one is 100% better (and 100% longer). Look for the new chapters on fundamentals, the break down zone, passing and cutting, the pick & roll, the S-gap, switching and sagging defences, post play, including how to play with two post players, and an added 45 pages of drills.

    Dribble Drive Offense

    Get the e-book (Paypal download, $21.99 $19.99)


    Get the Paperback ($22.99)


    Sample (PDF)

  • San Antonio Spurs Player Development – Day 2

    Day 2 of Ryan Richard’s individual workouts.

    Unfortunately I’m having internet connection problems, causing each YouTube upload to take in the region of 3-5 hours, so the updates will come as I’m able to upload the videos. As I’m uploading this there is one video to follow in the set, I will update the post when it’s on YouTube.

    Note: For this post it might be worth pointing out that Ryan is a leftie, thus all the work with his right hand.

    Here’s the background for the posts:

    At the moment I’ve got quite an interesting opportunity, in that one of my former players (as an assstant coach) is back home for the holidays – and the San Antonio Spurs’ D-League team (the Torros) have sent a coach home with him so he can continue his recovery form double shoulder surgery.

    The player is Ryan Richards, who was drafted by the Spurs in the second round of the 2010 draft. Since then Ryan have been injured, but the Spurs see enough talent in the 6’10” 7’0” [update: Ryan pointed out he’s grown to 7’0” with shoes!] British sharp shooter that they have stayed with him, and continue his development.

    For the last three days I’ve recorded his individual basketball workouts, and I thought I’d share it, even if it doesn’t have anything to do with the dribble drive directly.

    Note: The videos are unedited, and the language is sometimes rather PG. If you don’t approve I suggest you turn off the sound or don’t watch 🙂

    Many more videos after the break (more…)