Category: Player Development

  • A National Championship Coach Shares His Experiences

    Coach Bart Sengers of the Netherlands is a coach at Eurosped Twente in Tubbergen and is also involved with the Team Holland Under 18 womens team as an assistant coach. With his club coach Sengers coaches the women and the Under 16 ladies.

    With a very young womens team coach Sengers got some upsets playing quick basketball which helped Sengers get elected as an all star coach and runner up for coach of the year. The Under-16 girls did even better as they won the national title.

    Here’s coach Sengers account of the 2010-11 season.


  • New book out now! 200 pages on the Dribble Drive

    The brand new and greatly expanded version of my book is now available to buy on and as an eBook.

    The book now has 200 pages and has been completely rewritten. I’ve taken out chapters on the Dribble Drive Zone Offense and the Complimentary High Post offense, and instead I’ve gotten to the bottom of the Dribble Drive, and all the little details of the offense.

    I talked to Vance Walberg this week and that finally settled the last few issues of X’s and O’s, and now I’m ready to publish. I really think this book covers everything there is to know about the Dribble Drive.

    There really is no comparison to the first book. This one is 100% better (and 100% longer). Look for the new chapters on fundamentals, the break down zone, passing and cutting, the pick & roll, the S-gap, switching and sagging defences, post play, including how to play with two post players, and an added 45 pages of drills.

    Dribble Drive Offense

    Get the e-book (Paypal download, $21.99 $19.99)


    Get the Paperback ($22.99)


    Sample (PDF)

  • Kentucky and the Dribble Drive

    I’m sure a lot of you guys around the world are following the NCAA tournament. If not may I just remind you that all the games are available right here:

    March Madness On Demand

    With my interest in the Dribble Drive I’ve been following coach Calipari’s teams for years, but mostly in the post season, as very few NCAA games are shown in Europe during the regular season.

    One thing which surprised me watching this season’s Kentucky matches is that they have pretty much gone away from the Dribble Drive as an offense, and I think they look stagnant because of it. There is a lot of pass, stand around. Pass, stand around waiting for a pick-n-roll. Pick-n-roll, hesitate.
